
'The Weird Live On'

After a short life filled with consumerism, I quickly realised there must be another way to live. Capitalism and instant gratification are all well and good as long as you have the wealth to sustain the buyer's high. However, if this money is non-existent in your life, you begin to get brainwashed into thinking you must do anything to attain this mythical money and all the joy it brings. This leads people into a vicious cycle as they are attempting to keep up appearances without having the funding to do so. People then get caught in a trap where they settle in a job they dislike as it's a 'safe' pay cheque at the end of each month. 

'The Weird Live On' was born from frustration in a ridiculous modern day society, mixed with a view of anarchy passed down through direct pirate genetics. After researching this side of my DNA, a recurring theme cropped up: the mysterious motherland 'Libertatia' - a pirate utopia which created and adopted an alternate way of living, on an island which "directly opposed the authoritarian social constructs of the monarchy, slavery and capital". With this in my blood and a disdain for the superficial pleasures that people have been persuaded to participate in, 'The Weird Live On' was born... Essentially an anti-brand.

​I've always found the 'freak' kids the most interesting. Now, observing society, it is those same weirdo's that society looks up to and remembers after they are gone. The ones who are unapologetic about being themselves. The ones who have no time for societies social norms and create their own reality, on their own terms.

I want to help people realise that there are other ways to live. Parents have always told the youth to go to school, get good grades and get that brilliant 9-5. It's bullshit. Some people are built for that but a lot of us aren't. These jobs aren't natural. They are completely against our nature. Maybe  it's because I like living very primal or maybe I don't want to waste my short life. Maybe it's a mix of the two... Anyway fuck all that. I'm here to help guide this fucked-up, lag-boat generation of ours in a new direction and if I manage to inspire even 1 person, I've won. Life is all about living how YOU want to live, creating your section of the matrix, enjoying the atmosphere you're around and ultimately surrendering to the moment.

The Anti-Hero x